
Random Q&A

What’s up, Team! Welcome back to a random Q&A episode…but first, we’re buzzing about TV shows: Kaisa binges Project Runway while Mike hypes Making The Cut and Formula One. Then the real excitement begins as we dive into topics such as Kaisa’s dream collaboration, a sport she’d love to play, alternate career paths, superpowers, cars, […]

Kaisa’s 5 Favorites

Kaisa gathered her five favorites to share with the Team! VIVO BAREFOOT I made the switch to these shoes last year and it’s been a game-changer in how I move & feel in my body! Vivo has offered to give the Team 20% OFF! Just create an account on their website and use KAISA20 at […]

What Are You Training For?

What’s up, Team! Today we tackle the big question of WHY do we train? What motivates us to work out and keep moving? What are your goals? Kaisa and Mike deep-dive into these questions and talk about listening to your body, knowing your limits, and preventing injury. Plus, Mike is buzzing about Suncadia Resorts in […]

Personal Training and the Fitness Injustry

What’s up, Team! Today we’re diving into an in-depth conversation about personal training, geared towards trainers or people who want to become trainers. How do you start? What certifications do you need? What’s your passion, your speciality? Kaisa shares it all. And what’s buzzing? Well, Mike has discovered Apple Home and Kaisa is buzzing on […]

Kaisa’s Coach, Luka Hocevar

Today we are so excited to have our first guest, Luka Hocevar! He is the owner of the nationally renowned Vigor Ground Fitness and Performance in Seattle, WA. And (most importantly!) he is Kaisa’s trainer! Today we deep dive into what got Luka into coaching, what it’s like to train (put up with!) Kaisa, how […]

How do I lunge?

“How do I do a lunge?” If you’ve ever asked yourself this, you’re not alone! This is one of the most common questions I get. Today, I’m breaking down the reverse lunge step-by-step so that you feel comfortable and confident with this move. You’ll need a chair and something that can slide along your floor. […]

Core Values

What’s up, Team! Today Kaisa is buzzing about Zara jeans, Mike is hyped about a wallet that can clip to your phone, and we chat about DMs. Then we dive into the five core values of KaisaFit/Just move—and the history behind them. Health is a feeling, not a look…plus the other four core values that […]

Random Q&A

What’s up, Team! Today Kaisa and Mike are buzzing about awesome sunglasses…and Kaisa’s new vacuum cleaner. We’re also diving into a wide and juicy range of Q&A — dogs vs. cats, bad habits (and how to combat them), trends we can’t stand, favorite shoe brands (with tips on choosing proper shoes for training), gorgeous travel […]

Ask Kaisa!

Record a question for Kaisa for an upcoming episode of The Kaisa Show. Your question may be featured an upcoming Q&A podcast episode.

Athletic Injuries

What’s up, Team! Today we’re going to deep dive into athletic injuries (and how to cope with them, including the recovery phase), Kaisa’s movement history, and Mike’s eternal search for the perfect headphones. Kaisa is buzzing about the awesome shoes she got, new TV shows (Project Runway), and reveals how she won a race at […]

Social Media

What’s up, Team! Kaisa and Mike have a lot to talk about today—including coffee makers! Kaisa clarifies how to pronounce her name (it’s Kai-SA, no Z-sound), chats about soccer, and how she uses social media. Kaisa has a hugely popular Instagram presence and a thriving Facebook community, so how did it all start? Kaisa’s mission […]

Mobility vs. Yoga

Hey Team! I am often asked if mobility is the same as yoga. Simply put, no. There are mobility exercises within yoga, but yoga is a spiritual practice that uses movement, meditation and breathwork to connect the body, mind and soul. Mobility on the other hand, is a form of movement that focuses on actively […]